
Kamis, 13 September 2012

Verified Payal without credit card / VCC

As we know in addition to verify your paypal account using a credit card and VCC is to use a local bank or manual that is send an email that contains the data saving and KTP / SIM, unfortunately now it has not received a verified Paypal account with a local bank or manually. But There a one way :

First create account at and follow the instruction at the picture

at this time , u can fill with ur right information or use

create ur user id and password

okay at this picture u will see under Securities that has a number ex :6914 - 7153 
u will need it to verified ur paypal account 

Okay , now u have created Etrade account and get account number ( under Securities )
so , u just open ur paypal account , at profil click add/edit Bank account
Change ur location at united states than fill the routing number with :  056073573 and account number with ur account number ( under the securities ) than click confirm instanly .

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